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C# Program which calculated factorial to prime function

C# Program which calculated factorial to prime function - we should be concerned about the technology that continues to grow, because the technology is created to facilitate our lives, with technology we can do any job faster so save time and money, ok on the blog Techno News Latest we will discuss a variety of new technologies that continue to grow, now we will membahs first about C# Program which calculated factorial to prime function please see to finish:

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C# Program which calculated factorial to prime function

C# Program which calculated factorial to prime function

Program Statement:
Write two functions max(int,int) and prime(int). max function will take two arguments and will return the maximum of two numbers in main. Then main function will pass this calculated factorial to prime function which will show that passed value is prime or not.

 public class _max
public int max(int a, int b)
if (a > b)
return a;
return b;
public void prime(int n)
if (n == 1)
Console.WriteLine("\n\t\t{0} is maximum but not prime number!\n\n", n);
if (n >= 2)
if (n % 2 != 0)
Console.WriteLine("\n\t\t{0} is maximum and Prime number!\n\n", n);
{ Console.WriteLine("\n\t\t{0} is maximum but not a Prime number!\n\n", n); }

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