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Guarding My Model While I Shot It

Guarding My Model While I Shot It - we should be concerned about the technology that continues to grow, because the technology is created to facilitate our lives, with technology we can do any job faster so save time and money, ok on the blog Techno News Latest we will discuss a variety of new technologies that continue to grow, now we will membahs first about Guarding My Model While I Shot It please see to finish:

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Article 52Frames, Article High Key, Article photography,

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Guarding My Model While I Shot It

No doubt you must think me nuts with a title like that, but here's the story:

Yes, blame it on 52Frames!!

"The Moth"
I had never heard about this "High Key" technique and was feeling rather pessimistic...
Then the other day at work, I heard my boss in a panic, so I went out to see the problem. It was this dainty, gorgeous white moth. I whipped out my camera and told the staff that nobody was to touch the moth until I had finished "shooting him." They stood by incredulous as I tried to hold my camera steady as I shot up in the direction of a high shelf. And only when I had finished, barely satisfied with the quality of my shots did I let them execute my model.
Camera: Canon Canon IXUS 145
Location: Sha'ar Binyamin, Israel
And here's the "runner up."

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